Saturday, December 3, 2011

Light Graffiti

A new form of photography that I find very interesting is light graffiti. This type of photography allows you to create your own subject by moving a light in front of an exposed shudder. You can create anything from a simple string of designs to a detailed image. Here is a tutorial on light graffiti:

All you really need is a somewhat dark area, a light of any color (usually a small flashlight), and a tripod (or a very steady set of hands). Then, set your camera to have a long exposure time (the settings are different on each camera). Once the shutter has opened, step a few feet from the front of the lens, and begin to move the light to form a design or a picture.

This type of photography is very interactive, as instead of searching for an image as photographers usually do, you are making the image yourself. Light graffiti, although something that may seem difficult at first is rewarding, fun, and will allow you to feel more connected to your photos.

Here are some designs that you can try:

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