Sunday, November 27, 2011

Photo of the Day

This is today's Photo of the Day from the National Geographic webpage. The photo, entitled "Moonlit Canoe" captures a canoe resting on the calm waters of Allagash River located in Northern Maine. What I love about this photograph is the fact that it almost doesn't look real. It is the moonlight that does this to the image.

The way in which the moonlight affects the photo in such a way that it almost seems unreal really says something about how important lighting is when taking a photograph. To capture the perfect scene, you need the perfect lighting. An image that is too bright or too dark will cause people to miss the details of the photograph, which will cause them to simply look at an image rather than look into it or see it.

What I also noticed about this photograph is the detail on the canoe at the bottom right corner. The black and white decorative design can almost be overlooked, but when noticed, it really adds something to the photo.

For more photos of the day, visit the National Geographic Web Page.

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